When your journey is your destination

UntitledPeople demand it all the time, they act different from who they are to get it : Self Respect  – often quoted but vaguely understood. So many times you see people working hard on demanding respect and its more they demand, that more they crave for it and lesser they get it.

Self respect has nothing to do with ego, just to portray yourself as tough guy, carry that intimidating personality doesn’t attract people to you. They may do what you ask them to do just out of fear, but deep within they despise you. And it doesn’t take too long for people to overcome fear, the day that fear is lost, your Dear is lost as well.

Self respect is about the respect you carry for yourself. When you respect yourself, others will see it in you, through you and respect you. When “YOU” set a goal for yourself, if you respects that “YOU”, you will give it your best to meet the goal. The respect that you have for “YOU” will determine what you will do. When you don’t have that respect for “YOU” others wont either. Do you love “YOU”, do you respect “YOU”. If you do, then others do as well. It always starts and ends with “YOU”, rest of the world is just a reflection of “YOU”.


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