In life sometimes when you have travelled the distance, you have seen the world, you come to a point where some ink on paper makes an impression on your heart and deep within you feel you have travelled & you need to continue not just of yourself but for others. And sometime that “others” is not connected by blood but some relations are meant not to start with blood. The letter from someone I see as my lil brother, he’s no lil by no means, you wont call a roaring giant hungry for success lil by any means, just thatĀ its the sight of him as my brother that makes me feel a BIG brother. I never knew how it feels to have a brother, never had one, so in my journey to success I found myself being surrounded by so many people who contributed to my success and I gave part of my life for their dreams, and some people came too close to me. I saw my “if-I-had-a-real-brother” in them. Some left me hurt and for some, I do anything, will do anything to see them as SUCCESS, because why would you not do everything and anything to see your lil brother succeed. The journey continues, just that the responsibility of this lil ones dream makes me to demand so much more from myself, which I will and I know how I will. If his words printed on my heart, mine should print on Almighty’s; to give me the strength, the vision, the love – maybe tough love, the heart, the mind, the arms & the legs to get what my brother desires. For some I can fight the lion in his den and win & from some I won’t even give my thought.
Sunny P
Thanks KD for sharing. Blogging being modern day journal, benefits lookers around with daily thoughts easily captured. It’s like a page a day from book.
Purvesh Desai
Wow!! This is just amazing.