Claim that you are the best and then work it backwards. Once you have announced to the world that you are the very best at what you claim to be best at, you will dig for information, you will do whatever is necessary to keep your claim true because you know you can fool others only for so long. Most time people wait to acquire all the information, acquire all the experience before they step forward as an expert. If you don’t call yourself the best who else will? You start, other follow, but they’ll follow only for so long, and that should be enough for you to get to the best. Most times its too late, and it not that you go around lying to the world but the whole deal is that be confident in yourself that you are the very best with what you have and you will be that much better now. Once you claim you are the best, you will fight your fight to stay the best (or maybe that’s the only way you’ll get to be the best). Fear of losing your face is a good motivator for mankind.
Irony of this world is that most smart ones are full of doubt and most fools are full of confident. Lets change that game!!
In HIS eyes You are indeed THE BEST.